Amazon a primit aprobarea de a monitoriza somnul oamenilor

Ferrari Press Agency Ref 8288 Salt 1 03/08/2017 See Ferrari text Picture MUST credit : Herb & Body A high-tech salt shaker is set to revolutionise dinner tables.The Bluetooth-enabled Smalt serves up salt manually or via an app.But it can talk to Amazon’s Alexa home-help gadget, stream music and is equipped with colour-changing mood lighting.SMALT dispenses salt with a shake/pinch of your smartphone screen or simply turning the dial manually.The app also helps track your sodium intake for those trying to cut down.A spokesman for Californian company Herb & Body which is behind Smalt, said:” You can also dispense salt virtually with intuitive hand gestures.“Simply shake your phone to shake out salt or pinch the screen of the smartphone to dispense a pinch of salt. “There’s also a function if you just want to judge the amount using your eyes.”The company added:” Smalt is not just an amazing addition to your smart home.“It's a fun way to shake up the night.“ More than just a centrepiece and more than just a salt dispenser, Smalt is a conversation starter and a great way to entertain guests. “One in three Americans have high blood pressure and many more are at risk. “Because of this, many have to control their salt consumption.“Smalt offers an easy and fun way to monitor and control your consumption using smart tech. “Whether it’s a pinch or an exact, measured amount, the device can be an entertaining way to keep you on the right track towards a healthier heart.Smalt connects with Amazon Echo to provide users with voice interface.Users ask the Alexa voice interface on the Echo to dispense the desired amount of salt from Smalrt.Herb & Body is a lifestyle company committed to using smart technology to enhance lives. It says its aim is to develop smart home devices that aspire to make ordinary life more fun, easier, and healthier. The spokesman added:” Connected kitchen is the next wave of smart home tools and our company’s ambit

Amazon a primit aprobarea FCC (Comisia Federală de Comunicații din SUA) de a monitoriza somnul oamenilor prin intermediul unui radar, informează Business Insider.

Descrierea Amazon a device-ului propus este aceea că va folosi senzori radar pentru pentru control fără atingere. De asemenea, dispozitivul va fi static și capabil să monitorizeze somnul, dar și alte activități, printr-o tehnologie tridimensională.

Compania a depus cererea către FCC luna trecută și susține că acest dispozitiv va ajuta oamenii în diverse domenii, inclusiv igienă. Cel mai probabil este vorba despre dispozitivul „Brahms” – un nume de cod dat de Amazon pentru un proiect la care lucrează de mai multă vreme.

Nu va fi primul dispozitiv care are drept scop declarat monitorizarea stării de sănătate a oamenilor. Compania pune la dispoziția publicului și un smartwatch – Halo. Cei de la Amazon nu sunt străini nici de ceea ce reprezintă tehnologia biometrică; unele magazine Whole Foods (brand deținut de Amazon) oferă posibilitatea de a plăti scanându-și palma.

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